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Innovative material and Fabrication Solutions

 CNC routers are manufacturing machines that use automated, high-speed cutting tools to form designs from sheet materials.

Our skilled machinists operate the CNC machines by programming tool paths based on the geometry of the final part. The part geometry information is provided by a CAD (computer-aided design) model.

The CNC router machines rigid plastic, wood and composite aluminum with high precision and repeatability, making CNC machined parts suitable for most industries, including millwork, medical, aerospace, electronics, commercial and industrial.


Our highly qualified fabrication shop can make any custom design, simple or complex up to 120” x 60” x 2” thick.

We offer rapid CNC prototypes, small-batch machining, and high-volume production.

Send your CAD file with description to to get a price, lead time, and design-for-manufacturability feedback on your custom CNC parts.

Our CNC service offers flexible production and shipping options to meet your production needs.

Our Laser cutting machine is capable of cutting and engraving many types of plastics and other materials including


Acrylic                                               Lexan                            Polycarbonate


ACM Composites                           Acetal                           ABS 


Plywood                                           MDF                               Wood


Styrene                                             Plexiglass                     Delrin


PETG                                                 HDPE                              Cutting board


UHMW                                             Starboard                      Alupanel 

Some of the CNC cut/engraved products we produce include:- 


  • 3D letters and signs                    

  • Film industry set décor   

  • Retail signage and displays

  • Art installation components        

  • Automotive components                             

  • Parking lot stencils

  • Dimensional lettering                                       

  • 3d signage                                     

  • FAA airport runway stencils

  • Boat windows    

  • Handicap stencils

  • Logo stencils

  • Marine components                                      

From simple shapes to complex industrial parts, the team at Associated Plastics is ready to help meet your specifications


Retail Signage

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